Climate change? Climate crisis? Climate anxiety? Climate adaptation? Do you realize how much you’ve heard about the weather? Have you stopped to reflect on it? Most people prefer not to stop to think about it, in many can generate anxiety, in others revolt and there are those who just do not care. But as we are a fashiontech dedicated to changing the world, we invite you to make this reflection.
Today we will talk about "climate adaptation", in case you do not know or don’t know the term, is the need that we human beings have to adapt due to environmental challenges, climate that we have faced daily around the world, as a consequence of violent human interference in nature and its own natural changes.
We can imagine that the world is divided into several groups when we think about combat and adaptation to climate change, the most critical of them being those people who are in the "comfort zone". That is, people who are not willing to change their lifestyle to combat climate change, do not consider studying the subject and believe that their privilege protects them from disasters that may arise in the future. Are these people so protected?
There is also the group that lives in "fear", they know that something is wrong, put the blame and responsibility only in corporations and the state and not themselves, think that post a tribute on the "day of the earth" will be enough and does not question when a brand is marketed as "sustainable" just because it is fashionable. But we can improve, right?
There are people who already do their own research and draw their own conclusions about the "sustainable" processes of certain brands that love to use this term as marketing and about sources of information to be shared, especially when there is a crisis or disaster involved. They already educate themselves without relying on social networks and seek self-awareness instead of pointing out the mistakes of others. These people seek learning, but what then? How can we grow from this?
The answer is, empowerment and the search to play an active role in society, which seeks to improve our home, considering itself responsible for fighting the climate crisis and not only considering elected leaders, as well as holding corporations accountable and boycotting them if necessary. Be sustainable in the private and professional environment and not consider anyone who is learning about the subject less worthy.
lthough it seems complex, we can start with simple questions such as "how long in your day can you do without using single-use plastic?" , "if you are buying a food or any other product that is already packed, what need to pack it in a plastic bag again?" , daily questions like this will already make a difference and make correct and conscious climate adaptation a habit.
No.wasTee is a startup that is committed to being part of it and always reminds us that our time is scarce. Be part of it, don’t stay in the comfort zone and join us in the movement to save the planet, our home. We have no time to waste.
Giovanna Wangham